A week away from crunch time and shit is getting real. Mel and I have had an incredible couple of months on this journey of creating and bringing to life our advent calendars and cards and there have been a lot of laughs along the way. It has been pretty sweet and satisfying to see an idea take form and come to life, but in the words of a good friend of mine, “rah rah rah rah rah.”
Translation: get to the juicy stuff.
Yes, we both did try every position (for 24 days of Sex and Seduction) plus some, and yes we were slave drivers making our partners acquiesce to all of our intercourse demands and try different sexual positions in the name of research. I’m sure they hated every minute of it. Not.
What started off as something I talked about when a little tipsy and silly enough to share my idea has now turned into a full fledged business. Mel being a graphic designer and good friend that she is said “We can do this”. We started pursuing the idea and here we are today. It progressed from chatting about concepts over wine to having a few casual meetings over coffee and then meeting weekly to properly get the ball rolling. There has been a large learning curve and a few bumps in the road.
When trying to register our business name we were shocked and disappointed when the name we had looked up just the night before (and was available) had been taken. We frantically kept typing the name in to see if it was a mistake. We cursed those we thought were spying on us, plotting to steal our name and forcing us to buy it back at ten times the price! Once defeat had set in, we realized the entire time we had swapped two of our words. There was no plot to take down our yet-t0 exist business, we were just being morons.
Watching people blush and laugh as they read our calendars is probably the highlight of this whole process and in the words of Beyoncé “Probably won’t make no money off this, oh well.” If we do nothing but make people laugh or make ourselves laugh during this process, we have been successful. But I mean a little cash never hurts.
Once November 1st rolls around we are down to a month of calendar sales before the advent season begins and the world becomes a happier place and gets to experience the fruits of Strange Society’s labors. This time next month we will be at Melbourne Sexpo alongside folks like Pricasso- a man who literally draws people with his dick. I think this will be a career high for me, but I am only 29 so make sure to check back.
Thanks for checking us out and pop back to keep up to date with more stories from our journey and to see a portrait of Mel and I by Pricasso.
Yours faithfully,